Monday, December 1, 2008


Well here it is, CYBER MONDAY, the internets answer to BLACK FRIDAY...

In my ETSY store I am offering (until Christmas Eve) buy 2 items and get a third of equal or lesser value for free!

If you don't see something you want lets custom design you something! Or take a look at my website and we can take something from there!
I make ponytail holders,
no-slip hair clips,
button bobby pins,
pacifier clips,
and badge clips
Come on out and support all things hand made!


Kim Caro said...

love the pacifier clip its so cute. if only i had a little girl...or boy

The Stewart Stuff said...

What great deals! I hope you get lots of Cyber Monday Sales!

mommysyellinggirl said...
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mommysyellinggirl said...

Thank you Ladies!
I wish you all good sales today as well!